Razzie Awards 2017, le nomination – dominano Batman v Superman e Zoolander 2
Annunciate le candidature ai Razzie Awards 2017, pernacche d’oro del cinema americano.

Ebbene a guardare tutti dall’alto in basso, con ben 9 candidature, Zoolander 2 di Ben Stiller, nominato anche come peggior regista, attore protagonista e duo sullo schermo al fianco di Owen Wilson. 8 nomination, invece, per Batman v Superman, seguito dalle 6 di Nonno Scatenato, dalle 5 di Gods of Egypt, Independence Day: Resurgence e Hillary’s America, e dalle 3 di Alice Attraverso lo Specchio. Immancabili, tra gli attori nominati, Nicolas Cage e Johnny Depp, entrambi in corsa tra i non protagonisti. I premi verranno assegnati sabato 25 febbraio, ovvero 24 ore prima della notte degli Oscar.
[accordion content=”Le nomination” title=”Razzie Awards 2017″]
Peggior Film
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Nonno Scatenato
Gods of Egypt
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Independence Day: Resurgence
Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Attore
Ben Affleck / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Gerard Butler / Gods of Egypt & London Has Fallen
Henry Cavill / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Robert de Niro / Dirty Grandpa
Dinesh D’Souza [as Himself] / Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Ben Stiller / Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Attrice
Megan Fox / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Tyler Perry / BOO! A Medea Halloween
Julia Roberts / Mother’s Day
Becky Turner [as Hillary Clinton] / Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Naomi Watts / Divergent Series: Allegiant & Shut-In
Shailene Woodley / Divergent Series: Allegiant
Peggior Attrice Non Protagonista
Julianne Hough / Dirty Grandpa
Kate Hudson / Mother’s Day
Aubrey Plaza / Dirty Grandpa
Jane Seymour / Fifty Shades of Black
Sela Ward / Independence Day: Resurgence
Kristen Wiig / Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Attore Non Protagonista
Nicolas Cage / Snowden
Johnny Depp / Alice Through the Looking Glass
Will Ferrell / Zoolander No. 2
Jesse Eisenberg / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Jared Leto / Suicide Squad
Owen Wilson / Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Duo sullo Schermo
Ben Affleck & His BFF (Baddest Foe Forever) Henry Cavill / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Any 2 Egyptian Gods or Mortals / Gods of Egypt
Johnny Depp & His Vomitously Vibrant Costume / Alice Through the Looking Glass
The Entire Cast of Once Respected Actors / Collateral Beauty
Tyler Perry & That Same Old Worn Out Wig / BOO! A Medea Halloween
Ben Stiller and His BFF (Barely Funny Friend) Owen Wilson / Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Regista
Dinesh D’Souza and Bruce Schooley / Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Roland Emmerich / Independence Day: Resurgence
Tyler Perry / BOO! A Medea Halloween
Alex Proyas / Gods of Egypt
Zack Snyder / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Ben Stiller / Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off o Sequel
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Dawn of Justice
Fifty Shades of Black
Independence Day: Resurgence
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Zoolander No. 2
Peggior Sceneggiatura
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Nonno Scatenato
Gods of Egypt
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Independence Day: Resurgence
Suicide Squad
Fonte: Comingsoon.net